If we consider the main stages of site development, everything works on the same principle. If at least one of the steps of its creation to treat inattentively or skip altogether, the whole idea is meaningless, because the resource will not be able to work properly and fulfill its purpose, whether it is sales or representation on the Internet.

The customer must understand what stages are hidden behind the mysterious term “site creation”, and why each of them is important.

Web site development. The main stages from beginning to end:

  • setting the task;
  • elaboration and approval of the terms of reference;
  • development of the design layout of the site;
  • page layout;
  • programming of the functional part;
  • site promotion and content filling;
  • testing and subsequent customization;
  • making edits.

Also when creating a site, the developer connects hosting and chooses a domain name. The site management system is customized.

If all these items are properly performed, clients receive a product that is fully ready to work.

The goal of web studios at the initial stage of working with the client is to collect any available information to help the client clearly formulate the objectives of the future project. Therefore, the first question asked by the developer to the customer is: “What do you want to create a website for?”.

The most common goals and objectives for which websites are created are:

  • recognizability, attracting new customers and partners;
  • presentation of the company, its activities or services;
  • sale of goods or products;
  • attracting the target audience and redirection to other channels;
  • organization of an advertising campaign for a specific product or brand.
  • At the stage of setting and understanding the task, the performer begins to understand the client’s business, ask leading questions. He can ask about the advantages over competitors, potential visitors and what the client does not want to see on the resource. This helps to form a concept of what the client expects from the product, and what methods of realization should be used.

Writing TOR

Terms of Reference – a document in which the requirements for the project are fixed. It always precedes the creation of a website. With the help of TOR is determined what the product will be in the end. Also thanks to the technical tasks reduces the number of disagreements between the customer and the web studio. This is due to the fact that the TOR minimizes the number of errors and risks of failure to meet deadlines.

The goals and objectives of the site determine the structure of the terms of reference. Competently drafted TOR includes such sections:

  • Project description, that is, information about the business and the target audience;
  • goals and objectives;
  • glossary of terms;
  • applicable technologies and hosting requirements;
  • detailed structure;
  • design requirements;
  • layout requirements;
  • functionality;
  • description of internal pages;
  • graphic and textual content;
  • project deadlines.

After writing and agreeing on the TOR, you can accurately estimate the cost of the project and give a clear deadline.