Initially, website design starts with prototyping. This is a schematic arrangement of blocks. Prototyping is done in order for the customer to see the main elements of pages, the structure of the site.

If the customer is satisfied with everything, a full-fledged design is developed. Only at this stage, the web designer draws layouts. It is based on the terms of reference and is based on the entire concept of the site.

The main elements of design development:

  • style – the site is developed in a pre-selected style. It is not allowed to mix different elements, which is sure to notice the visitor;
  • structure – the use of a modular grid will make the content visible and simple. Well-structured information is perceived by the user easier;
  • call to action objects – buttons that call to make a purchase, subscribe, contact the organization, should catch the eye.

To make a good design, you need to clearly understand the target audience and its idea of an ideal site. Creating a site about caring for newborns, it is better not to make it on a black background and the use of grotesque fonts, because breastfeeding and bathtub for bathing cause completely different associations.

When the design is approved, it is passed to the typesetter.

The next stage of creation is the layout, or the creation of the html code structure. Text or graphic programs are used for website layout. Competent layout should be:

  • crossbrowser – the correct display of the resource in popular browsers;
  • valid – compliance of CSS/HTML code with W3C standards.